
Data Visualization I

Data Metrics & Visualization
School of Visual Arts

Data Analysis, Visual Design



Yinman Guo, Barbara Fang




We are trying to visualize the data of Proportion of Seats Held by Women in National Parliaments from 2003-2012. The datasets are from World Development Indicators, there are four sets of data we want to compare.

  • Ten countries with highest percentage of seats held by women

Put the top ten countries together we want to see how high the percentage is. Separated by continents we want to find out how continents occupy the top ten.

  • Ten countries with lowest percentage of seats held by women

Put the last ten countries together we want to see how low the percentage is. Separated by continents we want to find out how continents occupy the last ten.

  • Five countries which have the most positive/negative changes through ten years

We want to see which countries changed most from 2003 to 2012, in both positive and negative way.  And we also want to compare them with the data with the world’s average change.

  • World trends through ten years

From the trend, we want to know the overall change of the world in the ten years. Does it go up or go down? Does it change continuously in one way or change both up and down?


We made the sketch through the Excel. So that we could try out what is the best charts for the data

In order to make the visualization clearly, we decide to use the average data in the ten years and use the bar chart to show them. And in order to make sure the top ten and last ten are in the same scale, we put them together in Excel. But we will visualize them separately later.


The pie chart over here is to show in top ten and last ten, how does each continent occupy over the world.  We separated the data into five pie charts to show each continent’s percentage over the world. In order to avoid too many parts one pie charts which is very confusing.


By putting the most positive one and negative one together, this charts showing when and where have the most dramatic change. And how far they above or below the world's average number.


Using the line charts it shows the how world’s average number changing clearly in ten years. It give us an over all idea the situation is getting better or worse.

Final Visualization: